Friday, April 12, 2013

Different This Time.

Red Pill or Blue Pill, make a choice and read on...

We have learned from history. We have seen the small, but understandable errors of those who have come before us. We will benefit from the hard work, the blood, sweat and tears and even lives given from those before us. We will thank them.We will evolve. We have evolved. Our guides will be the forward thinkers such as Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim I and II, Castro, Che, Chavez, FDR, Obama, Warren and even some lessons from Hitler. It is ignorant and narrow minded to only remember Hitler for bad and evil. His early goals and ideals were very progressive and have great promise in the future we are creating. His evil we will ignore. We will forget. Just as we will forget the few and small indiscretions and errors made by our guides. We will be and are closer to perfection then they were, but only because they were willing to risk then, so that we may now learn now. Dwelling on their non-successes will not advance or assist us in reaching our goals. We will be weary of the writings of treasonous 18th century Brits also referred to as early American Patriots and Founding Fathers and other freedom fighters. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Jay, Paine, King and Paul to name a few. They should and will be looked upon with critical suspicion, even contempt. Their ill advice and ideas and outdated and mean spirited ideals have got us to were we are today, in a mess. The land of excess and envy and hunger and sickness and theft and murder. That is where capitalism and valuing the individual leads you to. It is amazing and astonishing it took this long for the errors of their thinking to shine as bright as it is now. But we will learn from them. We have learned from them. The people will understand this is what is best for them. Best for all of us. To be taken care of. Everyone will have what they need. To be free from want or envy. They will give and contribute and they will receive. From each according to his ability and to each according to their need. Everyone should have what they need, and the government is fair and just enough to know what people need and how to sort and spread things out fairly. The people will understand. It might take a little while. All good things take time. They might need some retraining, or re-retraining, but eventually they will understand and agree. They will abide. Some might not take to the training, some might resist, not abide, but once we have been sanitized, only the more intelligent, more peaceful in nature, will remain. They will desire and deserve the utopia they will help create. They will know that this is good for them. It will be good for everyone. It's the next generation we really need to work on. The children. We are doing this for the children. So they can have a better life. We need them to understand early. Then they will know nothing different. They will not know want or envy. What a beautiful thought. What a beautiful gift we are giving them. Their minds will be pure, and this idea, this nation and this world can then reach its apex. It will be glorious. All other countries will want to be like us. They will follow our lead, our example. A new world order with order, and fairness and equality. All because we have learned from history, and we will do it better this time. I look forward to our future together my brothers and sisters. Peace. Equality. Progress. That is our future. Our destiny.

If you feel really good and optimistic and are in agreeance with what you just read, you took the Blue Pill. You are ready to receive and need minimal retraining. Your place in the future is secure.

If you are pissed off and mad and frightened, and have a sudden urge read the Constitution and inventory your ammunition and clean and op-check your guns, you took the Red Pill. You are ready to resist. You most likely do not have a place in their future.

That was my work of fiction, THIS is not.

P.S. This started out as a few sentences and a link, but just kept on flowing and growing.


  1. I'll pass on the pharmaceuticals. I prefer an herbal supplement. The reality is there are positive and negative fluxes throughout time. Impermanence is constant. There is no utopia or dystopia in the future. From the way you've grouped historical figures and current ones I think you need to stay away from the brown acid.

    1. The brown acid was fixed soon after Woodstock. The supplier was marginalized and labeled and ostracized, buy the consumers. No DEA or FDA needed. Back to my story. Both pills had the ability to be either red or blue. It was your minds openness to the ideas that chose the color of the pill. I went the extra mile, for you, and ordered vegan approved/friendly pills. They were not FDA certified, you have to take the word of the manufacturer. There located in Seattle and the parking lot is filled with bikes and Prii with PETA bumper stickers, so there is a good chance they are legit. Who do you trust? Them or your government...
