Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tin Foil Tuesday

I know it's Wednesday, or at least that is what the powers behind the Gregorian calendar want you to believe!!! But how do we really know what day it is? Ask a Mayan or a Jew or an Assyrian. And they will all give you a different answer. Makes you wonder. Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?


At what point does conspiratorial cross over to plausible and then to probable? And then maybe even on to truth?

As some of you know, English is not my first language, so sometimes I have troubles with your worlds and their meanings. I digest.

Conspiratorial to plausible to probable to truth.

ObamaCare: It’s not a failure, it’s Obama’s grand success.  

Will we only know after it's too late? I would tend to agree with most, but that would imply competence and long term strategical thinking/plotting, and I don't think Obama, his handlers or his foot soldiers are capable of that. Especially not on that scale or time line. Or are they?

When will we know? Either after things get better or after they are much worse.

Keep calm and foil on.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

La revoluciĆ³n de Russell Brand

This is some good great stuff. I agree with most of what comes of his crazy mouth. Why be complicit? Why feed and be part of the a broken/fixed system? Why do we have to pick between the lesser of two evils? In the US, the Democrats are awesome at creating and exacerbating problems. And the Republicans are great at exacerbating and creating problems. We all agree, there are many complex problems, and I stress MANY and COMPLEX. Some of the problems are old, and some of those problems are new. Group A and group B are the ones that created the problems. Why would be keep on putting them back into office? We don't have to pick from either group A or group B. We can pick group C or we can say, none of my choices are any good at all, I'm opting out.

He is also right, there will be a revolution, or maybe a few revolutions. As we have seen a few time in the past 100 years, power is not given up easily. We are seeing that now in Syria. How's it going to look in Boston? Or LA, or New York or Chicago. Will it be peaceful? Some dude or dudette will come off the street, speak to the people, get elected, and change everything. Unlikely. Will it be a little messy? Shut down food stamps for a few weeks and things will not be peaceful at all, they will for sure get messy. Or more like a civil rights or occupy, semi peaceful, semi messy, isolated skirmishes and deaths on both sides, leading to reforms, but not really change. Or like it always seems to end up, with a fearful state and an angry and hungry and  disenfranchised populous, that is normally dealt with or solved with jackboots and marshal law. None of those are impossible, they have happened around the world, over and over in the past century, on very large scales. Why would America be immune. America was born out of revolution.

The people who are in charge now, and people who will be running in 2014 and 2016 have no desire to change or fix things. They are the same people who have been part of the problem for most if not all of their adult life. They are A or B.

Like Russell, I can see there are problems, I don't have the answers, but I know sure as hell 99% of the people who will be on the ballot don't have the answers either, and truth be told, they aren't much interested in the answers, or even admitting there is a problem, or that THEY are the problem.

So, BZ to you Russel Brand, for being crazy, truthful and deadly accurate. Advice? No incumbents, vote third party, or opt out.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

BZ Diane Reidy

If you have spent as many years as this woman has having to type every word that these pompous-overpaid-hypocritcal idiots say, you might lose it one day too.

I celebrate this outburst.

BZ Diane Reidy and I hope you are ok and doing well.




Sunday, October 13, 2013

Easy Weekend Post

I am going to make it nice and easy for the readers of TOA this weekend. Today you don't even need to read. Just sit back and watch (or listen).

The first video is from Learn Liberty (Learn Liberty and Learn Liberty YouTube). As a few of my lefty type friends have said before, if we just tax the rich people more, all problems (money) will be solved. The government just needs more money. (1) Everyone knows deep down inside that is not true. The Government is very good at spending all they have, no matter what that number is. Not only do they spend it all, they spend it all, plus more! This video does a good job at breaking that down. It is short, and has graphics, so you do need to watch.

This next video will take it bit more for the non rational types to accept with an open mind. It is a video of Glenn Beck speaking. Gasp! Ahhh, Devil, Tea Bagger, Mormon! Ahhh. I know, but take a breath, a nice deep breath, and read, and watch. When you are done with this video, and you still are saying he is the devil, or the Tea Party is the devil, just imagine what you just watched as a transcript. Then imagine before you read that transcript you were told it was a transcript of Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren. Would you then be like, what a great speech, what a great message, what a great leader. Well, that is how I perceive GB. His words, his deeds, his message are all positive and if they were said by anyone from the Left, they would be hailed as great and wise. So, BZ GB, keep doing what your doing, and saying what you're saying. It's 17 mins, and you don't need to actually watch it, just listening is fine.

A few quotes from around the 13 min mark. The part that really made me want to share this:

Common sense eventually kicks in.
Let's treat each other with respect.
I don't need to control your life, you don't need to control my life.
Let's live like free men.
Let's live like decent Americans.

Glenn Beck speaks at #FixUpDC

Enjoy, or not.

(1) "We’re not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government doesn’t have it."

This is not fake, not from the Onion or anything like that. This is real. From real Progressive Lefty types. I am all for fair and just and necessary taxation, but one called the Robin Hood Tax strikes right at the heart of the Progressive mindset. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Key word STEAL. More evidence that taxation is theft. It really is. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

From a man of and from Reason

Truth, when read, is as lovely to the mind as classical music is to the ear.


Ok, well maybe it is not "that" lovely, but it's still really good. And harder and harder to find in the media.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Divided Government Requires Bipartisan Negotiation

Congressman Eric Cantor, a Republican from Virginia. I don't have an opinion on him one way or another. In the photographs and articles the media provides us, they always portray him as eying the speaker-ship currently occupied by Boehner. Always looking to undermine the Speaker. I don't think that is the case. To me he seems like he is a two faced Republican. One face is the old school, old guard, pay your dues and some day you will be a gray beard type Republican. The other face is the lets shake things up a bit new guard but not quite in with the Tea Party types. I feel he is has much more invested in the first group.

To the point. This bit that he wrote in the Washington Post is spot on. He lays down what has got us into the situation we are in and how we got into the situation we are in. With this
rational rationale, I hope the GOP has the intestinal fortitude to hold out until Obama or Reid or both decide to make a move and come to the table and actually negotiate a comprises solution. Once and if that happens, neither side will get exactly what they want, but they both will get some. Otherwise known as compromise. Until then, no one gets nothing. And theirs nothing wrong with that.

I concur with Cantor. 

Divided government requires bipartisan negotiation

Sunday, October 6, 2013

On Rights and Settled Law

I am going to try to keep it short today. I know it might be hard to believe but I say that 9 out of 10 times when I sit down to write a post. I start the post just wanting to cut and paste the link, and it turns into you know, a long ass post.

So, back to keeping it short. There is no shortage of reading material on both the shutdown and ObamaCare. I have selected two for your reading enjoyment.

The first one is from The Objective Standard. I am warning those with aynrandphobia, this site's guiding principle is based much on her theory of Objectivism. I am not all in on Ayn Rand, but I can either agree with or accept most of when she put out. Not saying I love her as a person, though her life story is interesting, but what she wrote has a lot of merit, especially in the individual rights category. As does our Bill of Rights.

There is No "Right" to Healthcare

The second one is from The Washington Post. It has to do with "settled" law. A fresh and reasonable look at the situation in a way our Democratic leaders as well as our liberal citizens just can not accept, but at tactic and a view point they would use and have in a heart beat if the shoe was on the other foot.

Why Obamacare isn’t "settled"

Thats it. Fairly short and to the point. Enjoy, or do not enjoy, it is up to you.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Make It Hurt

I have not had much to say during this "partial" shut down. Why? It's all a ruse. I feel most, all, of it, is a intentionally constructed crisis. Like most crises over the past few years fit into one of two categories. One, made up to fuel a goal, or two, to cover up, an intentional act (IRS) or an act of incompetence (Benghazi). My new favorite word is ruse. It so perfectly describes this quagmire (slow your role on the fancy words man). This ruse is meant to reenforce the false dichotomy. Both sides had plenty of time to make some sort of compromise, but as normal, and as expected, they didn't. The Senate has not passed a real budget since I don't know when, a long ass time ago. The House has. CRs don't count. They are part of the reason we are where we are today. Each side is to blame. I more so see the Democrats and Whitehouse as to blame for much of this. The exceptions to unions and certain companies for ObamaCare really set the stage for this showdown. If the White house would have said, sorry, its the law, it applies to everyone as of 1 OCT 2013, then I don't think we would be where we are today. Or at least, the R's would not have leg to stand on on why they are doing what they are doing. Those exceptions give them that leg.

On to the actions since the "partial" shutdown. Who ever or why ever "they" have given all these orders to shut down shit that is not even theirs (the Federal Government) is where shit is starting to get out of hand. Private property, privet funding, eff off. Federal property private funding, eff off. Federal property, open air, not gates, guards or admission, eff off. Shut down means, stop normal activity if funding from the Federal Government runs something. Stop. Not do more and new work to deny access, and spend more money to show you're denying access. It means stop, walk away. Come back if and when we agree to something. The story below tell this story a bit better then I am. He is spot on.

Manning the Barrycades of punitive liberalism

As financially negative this is to my family and friends, and I do have close family and friends who are sitting at home right now, I would like to see it go on for a long time. How long, how ever long it takes for people on both sides to get pissed of at their side. They are all ready pissed off at the other side, as designed, but they need to get PISSED at their side. This is the only way the people (supporters of D's and R's) are going to be pissed off enough at their own side and vote their asses out. Clean house. All incumbents must go. If it gets solved fast, people will just stay in their camps and say good job the is useless Senators and Congressmen who caused this. And we will be back to status quo. The system will break and fall more and more often, until it can't. And then one day it will either shut down and never reopen or their will be nothing but Federal Law Enforcement enforcing and forcing the will of the particular brand in power and control over the American people. Dystopia.

And don't even get me started on the Executive. Who has again revealed and reenforced that he is truly "non-essential" as well as non-effectual during this whole evolution. I will however give him a BZ for talking to Iran for what ever if any part he had in it.

P.S. ObamaCare is NOT Apple. Namaste ;-)