Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Kermit Gosnell

I am sorry for my lack of posts for the last few weeks. I have been avoiding talking about this here. I have started and tried to do a post on this subject, but have stopped each time. I am talking about the not yet, but soon to be convicted baby killer Kermit Gosnell and the topic of abortion. There are not many things that I actually have a physical reaction to when I read or see or hear about, but the photo of a baby with its neck cut open and its spinal cord cut did just that. I get/got a shiver and I felt a little sick. Descriptions of a baby squirming around on a table, making "unimaginable" sounds and only quieted when their spinal cords are cut. I'm freaking ill just recounting it.

I know this will piss off and divide some of us, and it should. Knowing this happens should piss us all off. This is a topic that needs to be talked about. We, as a society need to deside when a life is a life and when that life needs to be protected. A live birth from a doctor to loving parents is not the right choice and is not what defines life. If something is sqirming and making noise on a table, it is a life. I am sure you can back it up a few weeks or even months from there. That takes us to have to make an arbitrary disision that some time between conception and birth or viability outside the womb, you have a life. And in this country, and in most of the world, life is sacred. We morn the loss of it and celebrate the beginging of it.


My personal position. That is a hard one. The life lover and protector wants all abortions to stop immideately. We need to stand up and protect those who can not stand up and pretect themselves. There is none more vunreble then our children or soon to be born children. The "cold hearted" libertarian in me says let people, its silly we say "people", because it is only women, let women do what they want. And then we always throw in the phrase "their body." I get a little pissed when the words, "their body" are used. They are carring a life, it is not part of their body. Their body would go on living just fine if that other life is taken out of their body. So much of the terminolgy of pregnecy shows that we belive there is a life and has worth in and value and rights. "We are expecting." We are not expecind a lamb or a lawn mower, we are expecting a baby human "She is with child." I mean come on. If you kill a pregnant woman, you can be charged with two murders. The other cold hearted part of me knows that many of those children who are never born, killed, would be born in to less than ideal situations, otherwise known as single parent house holds. They would grow up in poverty and want and need, and see things that most likely will not form a caring and or contributing member of society. Many will end up in prision or dead or conceaving unwanted children themselves. I know I am generalizing, but this is not fiction. I think there was a former Soviet state that outlawed abortion, and 16-18 years later they had a crime eppidemic. Maybe that is true, maybe not. Aborting these unwanted children does help some girls and or couples redirect the direction their life is going in. It keeps unknown amounts of people off of future welfare roles and our of future prison cells. It keeps future murdered and rapists and drug dealers and thieves, off the future streets. That is the best case negative scenario. But what about regret? Even the Roe in the Roe vs Wade case now regrets that disision. How many other girls or women live with that regret? How many girls or women live life hating and dispising their children because they didn't abort them? I would say almost none, like 99.99% mothers love their children. I doubt the number is that high for women who have aborted.

You know what. I am not going to include any links. I was going to, but now I am not. If you want to look this up yourself, there is a shit load of info out there for you. If you are so hard core pro abortion that you don't want to see photos or read testimony, then just keep your head in the sand. Keep on thinking of yourself as pro-choice, but what you really are is pro-abortion. And if you want that fine. Just know the truth. Or many you should seek out those images and testimony, to test your resolve. See how you feel when you see those necks cut open. Or read about babys birthed into toilets, then killed. Most of the media, aka MSM did just that. Ignored this whole story. Lets talk about that. FoxNews and some other conservative news outlets were the only people covering this case for a while, but the persistant drum beat reluctantly brought the MSM to have to follow it. Why do they not report on this, because it is devistating to the pro abortion cause

Notice I didn't even mention Obama. As this was going on he actually addressed Planned Parenthood. He is down with them and what they do. Planned Parenthood supporters are Obama supporters. They give him money and votes he give them money and protection. Obama is Planned Parenthood. Gosnell is Planned Parenthood.

Similar but separate topic. The morning after pill was OKed by the FDA this past week. Girls 15 and older can get it with out prescription or parental notification or permission. Bullshit. Not just bullshit because I am a father, to a girl who will some day be a 15 year old girl, but bullshit because now you run into essentially covering up cases of statutory rape and legislating parents out of parenting. That is just the tip of the iceberg. So, 15 year olds are treated like "adults" for the morning after pill, but 26 year old "kids" still covered under mommy and daddy's insurance. Its effing liberal heaven.

So, in closing. This disgusts me. I am personally torn on the "right" to an abortion. Kinda funny. Abortion is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution or bill of rights, but one court case and we can't touch it or even think about regulation or reversal. Guns, mentioned in the very beginning of the bill of right, explicitly, and lets try to regulate those out of our citizens hands. Well, guns kill way less kids a year then abortions do in a single day. I hate the term but, just sayin.

So, in closing, again. I won't. Obama says abortion should be safe, legal and rare. In 2008, 1.2 million abortions were performed in the US. That is not rare. That is 1.2 million dead babys. Obama uses "if we could save just one child," as his battle cry for gun control. Mr. President, I know a way you can save over 1 million children a year, and it has nothing to do with guns.


Update: I lied, here's a link.


  1. Nothing much to add. We're on the similar wavelength here. Except Gosnell's actions were illegal and horrific. One could say all abortion is so. Personally, I mourn the potential of unlived lives. I do not have a daughter but I don't understand why anti-abortion folks also oppose contraception. Isn't it better to avoid the pregnancy altogether than create the situation where one has to choose to give birth or end the development of the life.

  2. I agree with you on the issue of abortion, but not so much on the issue of the "morning after" pill.

    I don't have daughters, so I can't see the world from your vantage point, but I have a near-teen and I see firsthand the stupid choices kids are making. I had to explain things to my 12-year-old that weren't explained to me until I was nearly an adult. (A prime example: there are three girls in my son's grade who are "bi." One of them has a girlfriend AND a boyfriend.) Whatever the influences (I don't buy into Big Media as the cause of all societal ills - I think some of it is just shitty parenting), kids do things today that we might not have thought of doing...and they do them at increasingly younger ages.

    My job takes me into inner-city police departments, where I routinely see teenage and unwed mothers who - despite having children - continue to make lousy life choices. These children aren't truly wanted or valued; they're a tool for more public assistance or a snare to entrap baby daddies and try to make them stay. I see these kids - dirty, speaking street slang, probably not well-fed in at least some cases - and I talk to the law enforcement professionals who know it's just a matter of time before the kids are arrested for the same crimes the parents are committing. Closer to home, I see one of our relatives who "did the right thing;" she kept the first baby, then had two more. She's now pregnant AGAIN and on welfare. Her children have seen things that will haunt them for a lifetime.

    With all that said, if you ask me whether it's right to give a 15-year-old girl access to something that precludes a pregnancy from really starting, that prevents an unwanted child from entering the world and suffering in it, that stops an unqualified teenager from attempting to raise a child (probably the hardest job in the world to do right), and avoids the barbarousness of an actual abortion - I'm all for it. "Legislating parenting out of it" is a valid argument IF you're a parent who cares, but there are many out there who don't: the children whose parents simply aren't around, the parents who would force a full-term pregnancy for their own selfish ends or political beliefs. You can't legitimize stupid choices, but you also can't stop kids from making them; even the best children from the best families, with all the proper values and training, have sex. A mistake shouldn't require months of agonizing and the pain of giving away a child, and it also shouldn't involve the horror and lasting psychological trauma of an abortion.
