Let me throw two names out at you. Joe Rogan and Stefan Molyneux. I like both of these guys, a lot. They both get really deep on all sorts of great subjects. I listen to them both regularly. One of my only beefs I have with them is they both put on a really long show every day. Like on the tune of three hours a day. I don't have that type of extra time to spend, daily, even though it would be worth it. So, what I end up doing is picking and choosing from their shows every few weeks, or just randomly listening to them and sometimes I come across a great show.
Well, doing that random searching today, I came across the mother load, a show with them talking to each other. It was nothing less than three hours of two great uninhibited politically incorrect minds talking about anything that comes to mind. It was great and well worth the time spent.
So enjoy, or don't.
So enjoy, or don't.
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