This was going to be a short post. Like most of my posts, it started out
with a quick little idea. This one started off while I was listening to
the morning “news” on the “radio.” They were saying how the new Fed
chick (her name is Janet L. Yellen), the first woman to hold the position, historic hype, is going to
be a breath of fresh air at the Fed. That alone was enough to discredit
those who deserve no credit to begin with. I mean come one, the most
reported trait she has is how much she is going to be like the Ben Bernanke. That's what inspired my joke. Here it is. She is so much like
the former Fed Chairman she will most likely grow a very groomed very
grey beard by the end of her first year. One that would be worthy of accompanying that lovely gray mane of hers. That was it, that was my joke. It was way more funny in my head.
Kind of like the Federal Reserve, it is one giant bad joke. The other point that has been brought up over and over and it will be
touched on at the end of this blog, is the historic-ness of the first
time any person on thing happens. All I can think of now when I hear
that said is the line from the fine animated feature length move
“The Incredibles.” “When everyone's super, no one will be.” We are to
that point. If we try to make everything historic, nothing is historic.
And that is the case with the new Fed Res Chair. Not super, not special, not
Moving on, past my bad jokes. This post also serves as a
proof of life post. I am still alive, and like I have said, I think many
times before, it is not due to lack of material to blog about that this
blog goes unserviced. Let’s take a peek at a few topics.
ObamaCare. A
mess by design. A mess due to incompetence. A mess because no one wants
to tell the King or anyone one close to him, that the magic thread is
really not magic at all, it fact it’s a straight up lie. A few things I
want to know is how the DSH and the Whitehouse can change this law as
they go along. That part has not been explained to me, and most likely
never will. I am guessing it was little bits of “at the discretion of
the Director” or “at the discretion of the President” written into the
law by the dutiful Dems to cover their asses. I wonder if any of them
even know those caveats were in there, seeing they didn’t read it before
they passed it. This is all a stepping stone to a single paying (that
single payer being the United States Government via me and you, the tax
payer). The more this fails, the better single payer looks. Again,
failure by design.
Taking money from middle age military retirees. A.K.A., ME! The one percent reduction in cola for military
retirees before they are 65. That is me. That is me in a very short
number of years. That is money directly out of my wallet. I wish
they would take a little piece of all these alleged valuable benefits I
am told I have instead of taking away actual dollars. It is only going to get
worse. They know they can chip away at Vets and we will “Solider” on. I
have had a 20 plus year agreement/contract with the government of the
United States via the United States Navy. I held up my end, I expected
them to do the same. Unfortunately, I expect nothing less from the shitty
representation in the Legislative and Executive branches that we currently have, to take away
from me, while fighting to give more and more to those who have no such
contract and have given no service or sacrifice for their entitlements and or benefits.
It is both sad and infuriating and will only get worse. Stand by for Bonus Army Redux.
Hillary “Benghazi” Clinton. The last thought I had on my drive into work was this: Hillary 2016. I know, if that is the thoughts that I have, there could be something wrong with me. Anyways. It is time for a woman President. Even my six year old daughter who knows very little about our government and our Presidency has asked many time why their has been no women Presidents. We might even be over due for a
woman president. But it is not time, and more importantly, it will never be time for
Hillary “Benghazi” Clinton to be that woman. I mean if it is a woman or
if it is another man, if they are from the Republican or Democratic
Party, like she said, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
They, he or she, will just keep us trucking down the road to destruction
with less freedom and more tyranny along the way. They will inherit a massive and growing pile of shit. I guess the best we can now hope for is the taking responsibility and not a constant drum beat of blame the predecessor. Shake the eight ball until you get a negative response, and that's most likely the truth.
So, Happy New Year. Peace.
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