I will try to keep this short. (I've never said that before, I know...)
Men and Women like this need some sort of legitimacy. They need it so they can go back to where ever it is they came from and see their families, take care of business, what ever, and then come back and work. They need it so they can be protected under our laws, or maybe some sort of special laws for temp workers. Kind of like a military Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA for us in the know. They need it so they can be differentiated from the people who are trying to immigrate to this country legally and illegally. They need it for lots of reasons.
I love the fact that she said there and never Americans working in the fields. That one always made me laugh. No American is getting a pink slip from picking strawberrys because some Mexican took their job. I agree with her that their needs to be better pay. If all fresh fruit and vegitables were 10% more expensive tomorow, and I knew that money was actually going to go to the workers, I would happily pay it. But, I know that most if not all hikes in prices will be eaten up along the chain somewhere before it gets to the worker.
I know some of you are going to be like "what chu talking about TOA?" Well, just look at our country. TOA is not anti immigrant, he was an immigrant. Well, not me, I am the voice of TOA, I am talking about the people who came to this land and made this country. The original Orthodox Americans. Or the ones who took it over from the natives, but we are not talking about that today. Look how America came to have all the types of people it has. I just heard a storty about a typical day in the early 1900s on Elis Island. There were some days where 10,000 were proccesed through. On most days it was 5,000. Now look at ObamaCare, they can't even handle 6 people a day on the freaking internet! Maybe they should get some pencils and paper and set up some islands. Nah, you can't fix broke that easy. At least not something broke that big. I digress, kinda.
So, my solution, does it matter? I could have the best solution in the world, and it will never be considered or implemented. Congress with either do something stupid or do nothing at all.
I take that back. I do have suggestions. This could start being fixed by holding business feet to the fire. They can't give money to a worker who does not have the proper documentation. Make that documentation much easier to get. You hire someone with out, your whole chain of command from the person who hired to the CEO goes to jail. For even as something as short as a week or a month. That shit would stop right quick. Then knowing they can't get hired with out documentation, all workers would seek out getting said documentation. They would seek legitimacy, imagine that. So obviously it is the immigration system that is massively broke now since most seek illegitimacy. With little fear of the system. There will always be a black market and under the table, but most major farms and plants, would abide. Another idea would be to have a sponsor that would have to be held responcible for your actions. You and your guest would have to report to someone, kind of like a parole situation. Hey, it's just an idea, and I would probably have lots of problems with any situation they set up. But as far as I can tell, my 10 minutes of brain storming with myself is just as good or better then anything Congress has done in 40 or 50 years. Booya!
Peace Out, and it was not that short. I stopped, I could have gone on for much longer.
P.S. What really pisses me off is the American citizens who sit on their couches and do nothing and get free government money and services. There are jobs out there. I bet you can get a job in a field somewhere in America any day of the year. But many, or even most, who are on the government tit are too proud or lazy or have a million other excuses why they can't or won't do what this woman has done for going on 20 years. Maybe if there was no welfare or food stamps or Obama Phones, there would be more Americans in those fields working beside her. No effing excuse!
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