Friday, May 31, 2013

LeftTruthOut = Minitrue?

Here is another thoughtful, no, entertaining, no, frightening article from LeftTruthOut. It is a site similar to LeftyNet just more to the left.

I wonder if the author and his ilk would view the counter culture of the 1960's in the same light? Did they too have roots in the prewar south? They too were not interested in wars of aggression. They too did not trust the government. They too wanted less government up in their business. They too didn't want to pay taxes to the man. And legalization of pot and other drugs. That was the point, man!  I could go on and on with the similarities. But I am sure the writer and his ilk are not interested in facts or opinions other than their own. I would expect nothing less from a writer who has contempt for the same groups that our President and his administration also has contempt for.

This one actually reads like a retelling of the truth/history according to the new official story from the Ministry of Truth. Winston Smith would be very proud of this author. All necessary historical facts have slightly been altered to support the new truth/history. A fair amount of old truth/history is mixed in with new truth/history to make the reader actually question what if anything had been altered. Just remember, Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. 

Actual artical I am talking about ----> Anti-Government Extremism Has Roots in Prewar South


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