Monday, May 20, 2013

Dirty Bills

I want to take a little break from all the glorious scandles that are rocking Obama's liberal utopia this past few weeks and talk about something different. The giant "farm" bill is an example of what else is wrong with bussniss as usual in DC. It is expensive and not in best interests of the tax payers or the country as a whole to keep combining unrelated spending into bills to to get them passed. Business as usual is not good business.

Grouping unrelated spending together so a bill can taste a little good and a little bad to everyone so both "sides" can get their pet spending projects passed is a rip off. Here is a great artical about the agriculture bill, also called the farm bill. They lump in food stamps into this bill. Why? Unless the farmers are growing the food to give to the food stamp recipiants these things have nothing to do with each other. According to this article, 75% of the "farm bill" spending is food stamps. Why even call it a farm bill? Call it a food stamp bill with a little farm on the side.

We need to break these giant bills up in to much smaller bills and have them only address one subject at a time. Craft, and vote on, and spend money on agriculture. Then craft, vote and spend money on food stamps. If you can't get it passed with out coating in with honey, it shouldn't be passed. If a bill can't stand on its own, it shouldn't stand. This is not the only example of this, the Defense spending bill is literally thousands, if not millions, of times worse. Americans wouldn't group there beer budget in with their car maintenance budget and we shouldn't let politicians do the same with our country's budget or money. Lets clean up these dirty bills. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. There are some valid points made there but to call two food oriented programs as unrelated is unclear to me. They both subsidize with tax payer money, one for food assistance and one for food production, no? If we were arguing about a farm bill with funding for a prison museum, pentagon language programs or national park toilets I would agree more.
