There is so much going on for the political watcher right now, it is almost overwhelming. No, it is overwhelming. I was talking to a person who will remain anonymous, he/she did not know about most of the big things going on, or the depth of most things that are going on. Then he/she said something that was very thought provoking. How can this be fixed? I was semi at a loss. I was so into the problem, I wasn't spending much time thinking about a solution. The answer is, I don't know if this can be fixed. When I forced myself to answer, I came up with these solutions, if you can call them that. All are solutions that will stop or slow each scandal and protect Obama.
The AP and now Fox News scandal. Most of the press is in Obama's and the Democrats pocket. But those who occasionally ask too many questions, need a little extra scrutiny. The AP did that a few times, and got looked at. Fox News does that for a living. Obama and the Dems have been out for them since day one. They a have a negative effect on the President, the Democrats, the States narrative. Obama wants what the government puts out as the story, to be the story, end of story. Fox News does not let that happen. Rush, Sean, Glenn, Savage, Drudge, I could go on, they all do not let that happen. That is called journalism. That is call the free press. And thank god for them. No, actually, thank our founding fathers for them. They are what the first amendment and freedom of the press is all about. They effect the narrative and they question narrative. The stop or slow the spin the President is trying to put out from becoming "truth." Most of what the President says to us his him trying to sell something to us. Fox News isn't buying it. They are needed. A free society can not function with out them. The President, his administration and his party can't stand them. They took action. They chilled free speech by going after those who practice free speech, only when it doesn't match up with what the State puts out. That does not jive with the law or the Constitution. Good Fox News. Bad DOJ
How this can be fixed. The Attorney General Eric needs to throw himself under the bus. He needs to say the all actions started with him and ended with him. He then needs to resign. Obama then needs to opinion a moderate or a conservative in the AG for the rest of his term. Obama, protected.
P.S. And while Holder is under the bus, he needs to come clean on Fast and Furious. Bus bonus.
LeftyNet on the subject.
WaPo on the subject.
Benghazi. What a cluster. What an ever changing official story. Lie after lie. Inconsistent story after inconsistent story. People died. Cause? Incompetence up and down the chain. Desire to protect the President and Hillary Clinton's chances (at least as the Democratic candidate) at becoming president in 2016.
How this can be fixed. The former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton needs to throw herself under the bus. She needs to say, she ordered the units to stand down and not go in and help. She has to say it was her idea to change the wording on the talking points. She has to say it was her idea and her idea alone to use the YouTube video as a scapegoat and diversion. She has to then make it very clear, even if it takes a press statement, that she will not seek the presidency in 2016. She has to say it was her call, she blew it and she is not fit for further office. Obama, protected.
The targeting of conservative groups by the IRS. Wow, this grows every day. This is big. I would say Watergate or Iran Contra big, but they did not effect as many people and did not effect theirs rights a much and those two didn't effect an election like this one did. This is big. I think I said it before, but if this would have broke, last year, when they knew about it, we would be a few months into Romney's first term. This is the government targeting and harassing and denying rights to thousands of its own citizens. This also had a chilling effect on fund raising and civic participation. This will not die or go away any time soon.
How this one can be fixed. (Teeth suck) I don't know that it can. Even if it was low to mid or even semi-senior people at the IRS, and even if they take the fall, I don't think this goes away. I don't think the President can stay insulated and protected from this one. I mean even if he puts those responsible in jail, it was still the climate that he fostered and the lengths which people felt they could go, out side the law to help him gain and maintain power. That is rotten to the core. The core. Nixon didn't order or suggest the break ins at the Watergate, and he resigned. Is this similar, maybe? This is hard to say, but I think this one can only be fixed by either impeachment or resignation. Will either of those things happen? I don't know. I can't say I want either of those things to happen. They are a sign of an unhealthy government. An unhealthy country. Even if impeachment or resignation happens, what will that fix or change. Then we will have Biden. I am sure his finger prints are on this somewhere. Even if it is or was a suggestion he made that we (those government officials and employees down with the cause) need to fight the groups that hurt the Presidents narrative, that is the tone and culture that was set up and down the chain, and how we got to where we are. Rotten to the core. Obama, not protected.
So, I have a solution for two, but not for the third. This is just one mans opinion. How I see, or could see things playing out. Not necessarily how I want things to play out. Either way, Obama's second term agenda is DOA. That is both good and bad and a topic for another post.
P. S. Jay Carney, who I like zero and respect even less, has to go. He has to go not for me, but for himself and for the President. He has been the Whitehouse's official liar for a while now. He does not even do it very well. He needs to resign because he has been under the bus for a while now. A bus that is constantly running over him forward, then putting it self in reverse and running him over backwards. Over and over and over. He is shafted daily by this administration. Not being told stuff. Being told different stuff. And having to day after day, tell a new or a new current truth. The press core no longer trust him. Most of them never did. He has avoided or not answered more questions than he has ever answered. If he has any self respect he will leave. Who to replace him? How about a web site and the President himself.
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