Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Speaking of Adults


That is what you have heard from TOA, and especially on a night like last night. Why? I have been busy. That is a standing excuse. The other one, well, the reporting for a while, months and weeks, had pointed to the GOP doing well, how well, well that was another story. It's kind of like talking about the sun coming up. Knowing it is going to happen, and it not being a bad thing, is hard to bitch about. I can not lie, I am happy with the outcome. I am mostly hopeful about the next 2 years, maybe 6, maybe 10. But that is just way too optimistic, and the world changes so fast now, there is just no telling. That is why I am also a little fearful. Here is why.

The Republican House has gotten so much undeserved shit from the President and the Democrats and Liberals at large about being the "do nothing congress." That is not just unfair, it is plain wrong. The House as passed over 350 bills in the past few years and sent them to the Senate. If any body can be called the "do nothing congress" it is the Democratic Majority Senate lead, or mislead, by Harry Reid. He, alone, or maybe under orders from Obama, has sat on all those bills. In a way, insulating President Obama from having to veto or pass what ever is fed up to him. Over 100 of these bills were passed with 100%! That means all the D and all the R from the House voted yes, and still the Senate, the Democratic controlled, do nothing Senate, sat on them, and still does. Now that the GOP holds both the House and the Senate, President Obama will have to pass or veto. Meaning, he will actually have to make decisions and be held accountable for them. 

Now to the part of why I am fearful. What is more dangerous, a lame duck or a wounded and angry duck? Now give that wounded and agree duck a pen and a phone and nothing to loose, and you have our President. I am afraid of what he might do just because he wants to. He has shown that law, courts and prescience really don't matter when he wants to do something. How big, crazy and controversial can or will he go? I don't know, and I don't know if the House and Senate know either. They might want to let him go hog wild, on the chance that the next president will be a Republican and would love him or her to have the same untethered power. Just a thought, a scary thought. Scary both present and future.

Here at the few bright points.

The racist south elected a black male. The racist Mormon white Utah elected a black female. I think the only people who have race and sex problems/issues are the Democrats. Get over it. Or like your people say MoveOn. It's about politics and policy, not gender and or color. Moving on.

Massachusetts elected a Republican Governor. Bravo. My future state both scares and excites me. Mostly scares. Just as they surprise me both negatively and positively.

New Hampshire stuck with a Democrat. NH has kind of an identity crisis. They are surrounded by blue. They are independent and rual but have been infiltrated from the south by liberals. Anyways, she was an incumbent, not to hard to hold a seat. I liked Scott Brown. I like Scott Brown. I don't think he is a carpetbagger at all. For one, a carpetbagger was one who moved south, and Brown moved north. And two, there wasn't really a vacuum. At worst he is an opportunist, but no more so than Hillary Clinton. In fact, far less than Hillary was when she "moved" to New York and ran for Senate. He at least he is from NH. Hillary, born in IL, school in MA and CT, then moved to AR. How does NY fit in to that? It was a open senate seat in a reliably Democratic state. But the media still questioned Scott Brown. Eff them.

The country writ large did well with conservative governors. I watched MSNBC a little during the elections and the day after as well. Its fun. They are much more entertaining than watching FoxNews, even thought Fox is better and less biased. Anyway, that idiot Ed what ever his last name is form the Ed show is such a joke. His sole purpose in life is to talk to as many other liberals and progressives about how bad/evil/bad and evil Scott Walker is. This dude (Gov Walker) has won. Been recalled and won. And then won again. The full force of the unions and the progressive PACs have gone against him each time, as well as MSNBC and The Idiot Ed and he has won. I guess the people of Wisconsin are smarter than we give them credit for. Don't cha know! He will for sure be some sort of player on the national scene in the next few years.

So, on the day when the adults seem to be in charge again, or at least more in charge, this link below, which is a great link on its own, is appropriate. Did I say adults? I meant the lesser of two evils.

Why Growing Up Is Hard to Do (But Why the World Still Needs Adults)

Peace fellow humans.

P.S. I am negotiating terms with a possible guest blogger, would TOA readers be interesting in that?

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