Saturday, October 5, 2013

Make It Hurt

I have not had much to say during this "partial" shut down. Why? It's all a ruse. I feel most, all, of it, is a intentionally constructed crisis. Like most crises over the past few years fit into one of two categories. One, made up to fuel a goal, or two, to cover up, an intentional act (IRS) or an act of incompetence (Benghazi). My new favorite word is ruse. It so perfectly describes this quagmire (slow your role on the fancy words man). This ruse is meant to reenforce the false dichotomy. Both sides had plenty of time to make some sort of compromise, but as normal, and as expected, they didn't. The Senate has not passed a real budget since I don't know when, a long ass time ago. The House has. CRs don't count. They are part of the reason we are where we are today. Each side is to blame. I more so see the Democrats and Whitehouse as to blame for much of this. The exceptions to unions and certain companies for ObamaCare really set the stage for this showdown. If the White house would have said, sorry, its the law, it applies to everyone as of 1 OCT 2013, then I don't think we would be where we are today. Or at least, the R's would not have leg to stand on on why they are doing what they are doing. Those exceptions give them that leg.

On to the actions since the "partial" shutdown. Who ever or why ever "they" have given all these orders to shut down shit that is not even theirs (the Federal Government) is where shit is starting to get out of hand. Private property, privet funding, eff off. Federal property private funding, eff off. Federal property, open air, not gates, guards or admission, eff off. Shut down means, stop normal activity if funding from the Federal Government runs something. Stop. Not do more and new work to deny access, and spend more money to show you're denying access. It means stop, walk away. Come back if and when we agree to something. The story below tell this story a bit better then I am. He is spot on.

Manning the Barrycades of punitive liberalism

As financially negative this is to my family and friends, and I do have close family and friends who are sitting at home right now, I would like to see it go on for a long time. How long, how ever long it takes for people on both sides to get pissed of at their side. They are all ready pissed off at the other side, as designed, but they need to get PISSED at their side. This is the only way the people (supporters of D's and R's) are going to be pissed off enough at their own side and vote their asses out. Clean house. All incumbents must go. If it gets solved fast, people will just stay in their camps and say good job the is useless Senators and Congressmen who caused this. And we will be back to status quo. The system will break and fall more and more often, until it can't. And then one day it will either shut down and never reopen or their will be nothing but Federal Law Enforcement enforcing and forcing the will of the particular brand in power and control over the American people. Dystopia.

And don't even get me started on the Executive. Who has again revealed and reenforced that he is truly "non-essential" as well as non-effectual during this whole evolution. I will however give him a BZ for talking to Iran for what ever if any part he had in it.

P.S. ObamaCare is NOT Apple. Namaste ;-)

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