Tuesday, September 24, 2013

On Credibility And Partisan Hacks (REMIX)

I posted this as a reply to a comment, but not knowing who would be able to enjoy it in that location I am riposting it as a post.
Anonymous Commented:

Still a partisan hack, I see. Color me unimpressed.

I replied:

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for expressing your opinion. I am not at all interested in your color or if you're impressed or not.

For shits and giggles, what party am I wholly supporting the policies of and am perhaps even reluctant to acknowledge correctness on the part of their political opponents in almost any situation. In other words, who am I "hacking' for? Are you just critical because it's not yours?


If I was a partisan hack, assuming you believe I am hacking for the Republicans, why then would I have many posts and opinions that are not wholly supportive of the GOP? Why then why would my most current post be against the farm bill most of them support and defend. My post on Gay Boy Scouts does not at all align with Republican talking points. I don't support the amount and types of spending that is in the Defense bill. That bill is riddled with both Republican and Democrat pork with the sole purpose of protecting jobs of their constituents, not the needs of the military or the country. The military industrial complex is highly supported by the Republicans and its size and monetary appetite is hastening the downfall of country. Who am I hacking for again?

If and when, or if ever, the Democrats or a Democrat or a self identified Liberal or Progressive starts talking and acting in a way that I feel is appropriate and in line with more liberty and freedom and the Constitution and common sense I would love to point them out, maybe even praise them. I just don't see it. To be honest, I don't spend a lot of time looking for it.

This would be a great thing for Anonymous to help me with. Please if you can, or if you want, please help me notice Liberals or Progressives or Democrats who fight for legislation or repeal of legislation or in defense of anything having to do with more liberty more freedom the Constitution and common sense. I know the common sense one is subjective, but maybe I'll be in a statist mood one day and see the light, or maybe not.

In closing, being critical of a Party or an ideology or the current administration does not gain one membership in or to another.

Thanks for reading and kind of participating,

So, that's that. I think I could go on and on with examples and ideas and ideals that do not match up with the GOP. I feel I am floating between libertarian with a small L and Libertarian with a big L.

People can label themselves or each other as they want. If they self identify, that is when they need to start walking the talk. If they are labeled by others words and or actions need to back up those labels. That is what keeps most Democrats and Republican supporters and opponents occupied full time, looking for hypocritical words and actions in members of the other group. They only are hypocritical because they say or stand for one thing and do or say another. I don't care. I care about what they do or say, and if what they do or say aligns with more freedom, more liberty, the Constitution and if so applicable, the will of the people. Pointing out hypocrisy is not a hard game to play. It is a opiate of the political masses. It is MSNBC's whole schtick. I really don't care about hypocrisy. It is systemic in politics. You can't not have wealthy-ego maniacs, the type of people who mostly run for office, claim they fight for the poor or who ever, while they are all very well of and many times got there by being born to the right people or exploiting a people or system they claim to defend and want to "fix." Then they like the power their post comes with. That is how the system starts going to shit, and is in the state of shit that it is. That is why FOXNEWS has so much marital to work with with the Obama administration and all who it touches and all who support it. That was kind of what the post that Anonymous commented on was all about. The bummer state of our Administration. They (FOXNEWS) don't even need to bother with the reporting the hypocritical stuff, they can go right for the criminal and unconstitutional stuff. Easy pickens. Can anyone say term limits? That's an idea neither party likes. Who am I hacking for now?

I would love for readers, if they feel so inclined, to ask me pointed questions. Like the kind of questions we should be asking candidates during the vetting process or in debates. Like what is your stance on gay marriage? What is your stance on the legalization of pot? What would be your policy on x or y. If I cut and paste from the Republican web site, then Anonymous would be right in calling me a partisan hack. If I sound like Biden, you can call me crazy, I mean "Vice Presidential." If I sound like Obama you can call me "Presidential." If I sound like Jay Carney, oh man, that's a funny one. I digress, back to cutting and pasting my answers. I don't think that would be the case. If there was any cutting and pasting to be done it most likely would be from the Libertarian Party (www.lp.org) site or from my own grey matter. I would be fine with being associated with them. Or maybe from someone like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Ron Paul or maybe even a Berny Sanders. Cruz and the Pauls, although on paper they are Republicans, they do not act at all like or in line with the other Republicans. They are the true RINOs. They have signed under that party because it is the only way to break in to the two party system. Oh the two party system, what a disservice to the country. Look for a post on that some day.

I am done for now. Some will like this post, some will not, and some will see it as expanded political hackness. I am not in the business of pleasing anyone or everyone. I think I am succeeding.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Sad State of the American Farm

There are so many good things happening in the small farming movement. Maybe I will do some posts on that someday. But lets focus on the bad today. Its not hard. Just look at 95% of our food industry. How our vegetables and grains are grown and used. How our meat, eggs and dairy are grown and used. All bad and perverted. It baffles the mind, kinda like space, just how much shitty and down right criminal and inhuman and inhumane things that are happening in the large farming industry. Monsanto. Corn. GMO. Subsidies. Monsanto. GMO. Monsanto. Bad after bad after bad. I am going to share two things today, no, three, that are a good snapshot of this state of shit.

One. This article from a fairly decent site: The farm bill is back and it sucks.

Two. The original Chipotle ad/video/song. The message is great. The song is great. Willy's way of singing it is great.

Three. The newest Chipotle ad/video/song. This one is a bit more disturbing, and I like that. I showed both of them to my six year old little girl. She did not like them. The tone of the music did it's job and she did not feel good about what she was seeing after she was explained a few of the parts.

We need to fix our food system bad. It is a big part of the reason our health is so broken. Its like the GOV and the BIG AG and HEALTH CARE, don't want us to be healthy. They have spent years and bazillions constructing this system. It wouldn't be good for business for it to change for the benefit of humans. Hmmmm. Nah, that couldn't be. That's conspiratorial type talk...

So, if you were feeling good this fine Sunday, this might have taken some of that away. That is exactly what needs to happen. This needs to piss us off. Best way to beat this. Vote against all that are for anything that feeds this system. That makes up about everyone who is in office right now. The real best way to beat this is opt out. Grow your own. Buy from real farmers. Stay healthy. Let their system kill it self as it most likely will, eventually. Till then, opt out.

Oh yeah, update on some other shit, things still suck in paces like Syria, most of Africa, North Korea and oh yeah, some little place called Detroit. Peace.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Proof Of Life Post

I am alive. Busy, enjoying life. Lot's going on. Stressers, most of them good.

This blog is alive, barely. Bread and water rations.

WARNING: Reading any further increases your chance of being bummed out. Do not consume alcohol or operate heavy machinery during or immediately after reading this post. Contact your doctor immediately if your are bummed out for more then four hours. Continue at your own risk.

Here is a link to a site I came across the other day. It is fun, amusing, interesting and scary all at the same time. It is where the American Left goes to look at what real Leftyism is. It is what people who want to be progressive want. It's what the Democrats think they see when they look in the mirror. But right now, it is one of those bendy carnival mirrors. Right now the American Left other wise know as the Democratic Party is all confused. They elected the most liberal, to the left, most anti war Senator in the Senate, and he turned in to Bush light with spending and civil liberties problems. He gave us Biden, and Clinton and Holder and Big Sis and that HHS Lady. They gave us IRS, Fast and F, NSA, Benghazi, ObamaCare (Oct 1st, it's gonna be awesome, just wait) and general over all government dysfunction. They broke it, we bought it. Thanks. Ego, incompetence, bad luck, all of the above? Everything is not their fault, but how they act and react is all their fault. We put him there, he put them there, we let him, them, do what they are doing. So, I guess, its OUR fault. Unless you only listen to state approved sources, they will tell you it is the Republicans fault and or extremists in their party. Leadership by blame, awesome. Hopeful, I am. Optimistic, I am not.

