Thursday, June 20, 2013

Not seeing eye to eye with the holy see.

Hello O faithful TOA readers. So, there’s a lot going on in our country and world uh? You may ask why so few posts from me. Well, it is almost an over target saturated environment. Not almost, it is. I would have to spend hours every day researching and writing, and I just don’t have the will or the time to do so.
I will steer clear of the every growing laundry list of Obama scandals. They are almost just too easy. I mean, John Stewart looks like an Obama basher and all he is doing is actually reporting. Many of the Lefty sites are having a hard time not reporting and criticizing the President. They try, they focus on long standing complaints like genetically modified crops, or fracking, or the XL pipeline, or poverty, or hoping the SCOTUS will come out waiving rainbow flags. They’re really trying. But in the end they can’t ignore it all and they have to talk about the drone killings, the NSA spying, the chilling of the first amendment and the free press by the DOJ and all the other scandals the most transparent administration ever is wallowing in. The love affair is over, and the Hope and Changers feel dissed.
I am instead going to point to an open letter from a Catholic Priest to House Minority Leader, the former most dangerous Democrat in America, the champion of ObamaCare, the queen hypocrite herself, Nancy Pelosi. That was a long and glorious introduction, and it still did not do her justice. She is way over ripe as a public servant. Numerous fishy things in her past, but one of the consistent ones is her insistence that she is a Catholic and not only her stance on abortion, but her actions in the United States House of Representatives to secure and advance the “right” to abortion.
I have talked in previous posts about abortions. You can search and read if you like. I know a little bit about Catholicism. I was born and raised as a “casual” Catholic. I even made it so far as to be confirmed, until I kind of admitted to myself I really just didn’t believe in the whole deal. I enjoy and respect the bible as I do most religious texts. I like Jesus, as I like Siddhārtha Gautama. All of their words, teachings and actions are sound and can help humans be better humans. On the subject of abortion, WWJD, well IMHO he would advise against. If she went ahead with it anyway and realized her error and wanted forgivness, he would give it. That is what "I" think now. I have to admit, I don’t think I even knew about abortion and the church's stance on it until years after I “left” the church. I can write that because my grandmother does not go on the internet, so she for sure would never read this. Back to Nancy Pelosi, she needs to “leave” the church for the same reason I did, her views do not align with the leaderships views on abortion. It is a club for like minded individuals. The church’s views and hers are not like minded. If she believes in god or God if she is a true believer and all the other stuff that goes along with it. I am sure she can find a church, especially in San Francisco that would welcome her and her views in. Especially if she actually tithes! Cha-ching!
Bottom line, it is not the religions place or job to change to align with Nancy Pelosi. She needs to get in line with them, or leave. At a minimum, she needs to stop saying she is a Catholic, where her words and actions do not align with the Catholic Church. I know there is nothing anyone, human or divine, could do to make her to stop avoiding answering legitimate questions, but it would be nice if she did that too. There is little chance she will do any of that, but this should serve as another among many reasons why Catholics should not and cannot support pro abortion politicians.
Live long and prosper.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe she can't embrace her true Catholicism because of the ever-growing trend of political correctness. Where before, we were at least tolerant of those whose opinions varied from the popular consensus, those who dare to stand for their beliefs - past, as in Paula Deen's case, or present, as in those who don't endorse abortion - are now pilloried in public. We have gone from a society of embracing differences to a society of abolishing free speech in the name of hurting others. It's a disgrace and an affront to the principles this country was founded on. Just one guy's opinion.
