Sunday, April 28, 2013

Humor from the cool kids dinner.

Warning/Caution/Notice: For those who can not recognize satire, or for those who are blinded by allegiance to the Left. This is satire. Again, this is satire. Kind of. Not really.

Dear Barry Soetoro,
Not the strapping young muslim socialist you used to be. That's a tough thing to realize, when you see that truth staring back at you in the mirror (good thing they don't have those types or mirrors in Cuba).

You're funny (teleprompter funny) and cool (Hollywood/celebrity groupie cool). But deep down, you feel pain and sadness, and we feel your pain Barry, and your sadness (we are in pain and we are sad too, and you still have three years left in office!). Radical Socialism and Jihad, you know, organizing communities (or Muslim Brotherhoods), you know, fighting the man, smoking pot or even snorting a little blow now and then, you know, sticking it to the man! All that, that game, that's a young man’s game. Time to let the next generation carry the torch (at least the ones who are not in jail for that same pot and blow). I know its hard, when you realize you are yesterday, and not tomorrow, but it's harder the longer you wait. Hippies got jobs and suits and BMWs. The Commies in Red China opened their eyes to capitalism. The Wall came down (and one of their own bad ass spies has installed himself at the top and they are just as powerful and as dangerous as they ever were). I digress.

I think the one thing that you still haven’t accepted, the one truth you just can't acknowlege, is that you can’t fight the man, when you are the man. You are the man.

Just like so many users of Just for Men, you have to know when to end the Jihad, whether it is against grey hair or a vast right wing conspiracy or the Constitution. Let nature run its course and return to a natural state, or in our case, let liberty and freedom reign again. 


P.S. Pass on the bangs. They might interfere with your golf game, or worse, if your working a short hand pipe with a new lighter, you know what I'm talkin about.

1 comment:

  1. He might not be young, and the Muslim thing is questionable, but if he's not a Socialist I don't know who is. Anyone who looks up to George Orwell as a forecaster of Utopia definitely isn't someone who should be leading the country. Then again, aren't we living "Animal Farm" already? "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."
