Sunday, April 28, 2013

Humor from the cool kids dinner.

Warning/Caution/Notice: For those who can not recognize satire, or for those who are blinded by allegiance to the Left. This is satire. Again, this is satire. Kind of. Not really.

Dear Barry Soetoro,
Not the strapping young muslim socialist you used to be. That's a tough thing to realize, when you see that truth staring back at you in the mirror (good thing they don't have those types or mirrors in Cuba).

You're funny (teleprompter funny) and cool (Hollywood/celebrity groupie cool). But deep down, you feel pain and sadness, and we feel your pain Barry, and your sadness (we are in pain and we are sad too, and you still have three years left in office!). Radical Socialism and Jihad, you know, organizing communities (or Muslim Brotherhoods), you know, fighting the man, smoking pot or even snorting a little blow now and then, you know, sticking it to the man! All that, that game, that's a young man’s game. Time to let the next generation carry the torch (at least the ones who are not in jail for that same pot and blow). I know its hard, when you realize you are yesterday, and not tomorrow, but it's harder the longer you wait. Hippies got jobs and suits and BMWs. The Commies in Red China opened their eyes to capitalism. The Wall came down (and one of their own bad ass spies has installed himself at the top and they are just as powerful and as dangerous as they ever were). I digress.

I think the one thing that you still haven’t accepted, the one truth you just can't acknowlege, is that you can’t fight the man, when you are the man. You are the man.

Just like so many users of Just for Men, you have to know when to end the Jihad, whether it is against grey hair or a vast right wing conspiracy or the Constitution. Let nature run its course and return to a natural state, or in our case, let liberty and freedom reign again. 


P.S. Pass on the bangs. They might interfere with your golf game, or worse, if your working a short hand pipe with a new lighter, you know what I'm talkin about.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Thanks CW/Gun Vote After Action

I would like to take today's post as an opportunity to thank my friend Bryan over at The Conservative Wahoo.

First, he as put a link to my blog on his blog. I have been reading the CW for a few years now and have really enjoyed. It has helped expand my knowlege and understanding of many subjects. Thank you.  His blog also has a much larger audience than mine does. That means that many more people beyond my tiny, but highly educated and diverse as well as loyal, bubble could be reading these very worlds very soon. I will be doing the same for his and some other blogs I frequent, I just have some more blog design learning to do.

The second thank you to the CW is for today's post. It is a well done after action on how and why the vote went down like it did on the Senate gun bill this week.

The Gun Rights Consensus: The real reasons the Senate trounced the Obama agenda.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Liberal logic: When the system works, it's broken.

It is starting to really blow my mind (actually I am not surprised at all) that when our government is actually working as it is designed to, the Dems and the Left call it shameful and broken and are disappointed. Yesterday the Senate voted on a bill with amendments to expand and add restrictions on guns and the second amendment, and voted them all down. Let that sink in. The Senate, with a majority of Democrats, brought up a bill written by Democrats, and it was defeated with votes. Amazing. Those 50+ who are on the right side of this issue voted “no” for their constituents, the constitution or both. Those 40+ who voted yes, did so not to “save even one child” as so many of them said, but as a continuation of the Liberal/Progressive/Democratic war against private gun ownership and the constitutional right to do so. They are however in favor of the arming and over arming of every and any government agency. Another problem and another discussion for another day. So, many on the left, for weeks, have been calling for a vote. Give the bill a vote! Let the children have a vote! For the children! They were scared of a filibuster. The filibuster was averted. And, well, they got their vote. And, they lost. Now they are sad. Some are even mad. They really didn’t want a vote, they wanted an outcome. They are sad and mad because the vote didn’t turn out how they wanted it to. I know how they feel. Barack Obama is a two term president. Moving on.

Back to the vote. There were lots of numbers thrown around by the Left yesterday and over the past few months. There was "the 90% of Americans want this bill." Take the actual number of Americans who wanted that bill passed, then multiply by 2 or 3 and you might get 90%. That being said, so the eff what! What if 90% of Americans want a law against Islam or a law against or for MSNBC or a law against black girls getting abortions. Too bad! The rights of each of those people or groups are and will always be greater than a real or imagined desire of 90%, or what the mob wants. The individual right is what is protected in the bill of rights. Disclaimer: I am not a constitutional lawyer, but I voted against one in the past two elections. Here is a scenario, and I will say up front, I don’t know the details or procedures that would be needed to do this. Let’s say there was a big enough push for a constitutional amendment to repeal the second amendment. Is that even possible? Can you repeal one of the rights in the bill of rights? I don’t think so, I hope not. I see those as the ones we start off with and get to keep no matter what mob is in charge. We can make more, but we can’t change the ones we started with. They are protected. I really thought something like that should have happened during the health care debate. Many were spouting off that health care was a right. If so, why not then make it an actual right. Amend the constitution to make health care a right. Then the funding of it would not be an issue. Then it would have had to pass all the hurdles of a House, Senate and state vote. They didn’t do that. They rammed it up our (you know what/where)!

So the right to keep and bear arms is just that a right. It is one of the, if the most regulated and limited right, but it still is a right. I hope, but don’t expect, future generations will regain some ground lost and repeal gun laws not compound gun laws.

As always, does an excellent job talking about this today.
And this one too. It’s never too early for a lame duck, especially one with dangerous and radical ambitions like Obama. I think even the ACLU agrees. Best line, “Gloating in victory, adolescent in defeat – the Prez doesn’t make it easy to work with him.” NSS
P.S. Readers do you like me to embed my links and put the word “here” and here or make them like I did above, the actual link? I think I use both depending on if I want a link to be part of what I am writing or if I want my link to stand out on its own.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Different This Time.

Red Pill or Blue Pill, make a choice and read on...

We have learned from history. We have seen the small, but understandable errors of those who have come before us. We will benefit from the hard work, the blood, sweat and tears and even lives given from those before us. We will thank them.We will evolve. We have evolved. Our guides will be the forward thinkers such as Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim I and II, Castro, Che, Chavez, FDR, Obama, Warren and even some lessons from Hitler. It is ignorant and narrow minded to only remember Hitler for bad and evil. His early goals and ideals were very progressive and have great promise in the future we are creating. His evil we will ignore. We will forget. Just as we will forget the few and small indiscretions and errors made by our guides. We will be and are closer to perfection then they were, but only because they were willing to risk then, so that we may now learn now. Dwelling on their non-successes will not advance or assist us in reaching our goals. We will be weary of the writings of treasonous 18th century Brits also referred to as early American Patriots and Founding Fathers and other freedom fighters. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Jay, Paine, King and Paul to name a few. They should and will be looked upon with critical suspicion, even contempt. Their ill advice and ideas and outdated and mean spirited ideals have got us to were we are today, in a mess. The land of excess and envy and hunger and sickness and theft and murder. That is where capitalism and valuing the individual leads you to. It is amazing and astonishing it took this long for the errors of their thinking to shine as bright as it is now. But we will learn from them. We have learned from them. The people will understand this is what is best for them. Best for all of us. To be taken care of. Everyone will have what they need. To be free from want or envy. They will give and contribute and they will receive. From each according to his ability and to each according to their need. Everyone should have what they need, and the government is fair and just enough to know what people need and how to sort and spread things out fairly. The people will understand. It might take a little while. All good things take time. They might need some retraining, or re-retraining, but eventually they will understand and agree. They will abide. Some might not take to the training, some might resist, not abide, but once we have been sanitized, only the more intelligent, more peaceful in nature, will remain. They will desire and deserve the utopia they will help create. They will know that this is good for them. It will be good for everyone. It's the next generation we really need to work on. The children. We are doing this for the children. So they can have a better life. We need them to understand early. Then they will know nothing different. They will not know want or envy. What a beautiful thought. What a beautiful gift we are giving them. Their minds will be pure, and this idea, this nation and this world can then reach its apex. It will be glorious. All other countries will want to be like us. They will follow our lead, our example. A new world order with order, and fairness and equality. All because we have learned from history, and we will do it better this time. I look forward to our future together my brothers and sisters. Peace. Equality. Progress. That is our future. Our destiny.

If you feel really good and optimistic and are in agreeance with what you just read, you took the Blue Pill. You are ready to receive and need minimal retraining. Your place in the future is secure.

If you are pissed off and mad and frightened, and have a sudden urge read the Constitution and inventory your ammunition and clean and op-check your guns, you took the Red Pill. You are ready to resist. You most likely do not have a place in their future.

That was my work of fiction, THIS is not.

P.S. This started out as a few sentences and a link, but just kept on flowing and growing.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

"my profession no longer exists"

I am sure this is just an isolated incident...

Teacher Resignation Letter

He could and did retire. Many can't but feel the same way. Many love the job, and need the job, but are caught in a system they can't or are unwilling to change or fix. Like many and most government things, education has gotten too big, too cumbersome, too many bureaucrats, too expensive, too much union influence, too liberal, too much government, and not enough educating and parental involvement. It might be beyond fixing. It is and will be abandon slowly. It might need to go away, and come back in a different form. It will most likely be kept alive, barely, on life support and deemed too big to fail, but it is, failing. Makes me sad. Makes me frustrated.*

Makes this sound better and better every day.

Home-school author on TSP

TSP = The Survival Podcast

* Disclaimer, I am the son of two retired teachers and the husband to a teacher who is currently a substitute teacher, oh and I was a student, correction, I attended school. I wasn't much of a student.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bravo Drudge!

If you're pissing them off, you know your doing something right.

Keep on doing what your doing Drudge.

Rush put it all together in a nice neat package here.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Strange Email From Burpee.

Just minutes after my last post about the changing/flexible meanings of words I got this in an email from Burpee is a seed/plant/garden supply company, so getting this type of thing from them was very strange. That aside, it was good and related to my last post. Interesting. Wonder if it was some rouge employee sending to the whole mailing list. If legit, I wounder what led who ever sent it from the Burpee team to send it?

Growing Concern
Let me be frank. I oppose “growth” and object to the “growing economy,” I take exception to “growing” companies. These terms—used chronically and uncritically by politicians and pundits—leave me vexed and perplexed. Why? Because I am convinced that “growing” is precisely what economies don’t do. They might increase or expand, but they grow not.
At some point in the 20th century, “growth” grew into shorthand for an increase or expansion in the amount of goods and services produced by the economy. “Grow” is now used as a transitive verb, as in Paul Hawken’s manifesto, “Growing a Business.”
Even as a metaphor, “growth” has its limits, soon apparent in the absurd, oxymoronic terms “flat growth” and “negative growth”. A governor of a large state recently declared he wanted to “grow” the size of his economy’s “pie”. Block that metaphor!
I hear your protests. “Grow” is a figure of speech, a metaphor, Mr. Ball! Why put this harmless butterfly of a phrase upon a syntactical wheel?
My animus derives partly from my role as the head of a “growing business,” a 136-year-old firm specializing in plants and seeds, things that really grow. Our long-term motto, “Burpee seeds grow,” is not a metaphor, but a statement of fact.
The indiscriminate use of “grow” and “growth” has profound implications for how we view our economy. The anthropomorphism of the “growth” term, endowing business and financial statistics with animate, living qualities, is imprecise to the point of being delusional. The notion of a “growing economy,” I suppose, puts color in the cheeks of pale, sexless numbers.
The use of “grow” or “growing” as a synonym for expand, increase, develop and enlarge is largely a 20th century creation, or growth, one that should be pruned from the English language.
Adam Smith, in his Wealth of Nations (1776), makes multiple references to “growing” and “growth”, but he is referring to seed (of all things!) grain, fleece or timber, not economies. Thomas Malthus, the unheeded prophet of the limits of growth, in his An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) , likewise applies the terms to, simply, things that grow.
TheOxford Dictionary of English Etymology defines growth as “Show[ing] the development characteristic of living things.” The word “grow”, I might add, derives from the Indo-European term word for “grass”. Tell me, is the economy growing like grass?
“Grow” is one of many terms that have migrated from agriculture into business. We speak of “seed money”, “hedge funds”, “yields”, and “plants.” “Share”, as in stocks derives from the “shearing” of sheep and, thus, a unit of raw wool. No surprise that the rise of agriculture back in 8,000 B.C., give or take a millennium, brought economies into being.
Not so many centuries ago, agriculture pretty much constituted the economy: economic growth and the growth of plants and animals were inextricably bound. The ancient Mesopotamian currency, the shekel, introduced around 3,000 B.C., was based on a weight of barley: 180 grains, to be precise. Seed capital, you might say.
I fear one result of using our “growing” terminology is that we ourselves cease to grow, because we've stopped thinking. Try this thought experiment: if the economy is growing, is the hidden hand of the market growing with it?
Talk of the “growing economy” is a pathetic fallacy: projecting our wishes and feelings onto external phenomena, resulting in angry skies, brooding mountains and roses that art sick. The effect belongs in poetry, not the economy nor in economics, that properly dismal science.
The notion of economic “growth” is pure magic realism. It’s as if we imagine that cheek-puffing zephyrs propel clouds, autumn leaves gaily cartwheel across the lawn, and water sprites dance in our water glass.
The economy represents and involves numbers and statistics—and precision. Innumeracy is a now serious issue in this country. The myopic, hazy, lazy thinking behind our talk of “growth” appears to be shared by our children, whose math skills are perilously close to those of their peers in debt-ridden Spain, Portugal and Greece. Unless we start taking our economic numbers seriously, the problem, not the economy, will only grow.

Words Have Meanings.

No more illegal. The AP could save themselves a lot of work if they just linked their stylebook to Newspeak rules. Instead of an illegal immigrant, now he or she could be a Mexican who skillfully climbed a fence in the cover of darkness on the border of Mexico and the US in search of employment and benefits. Instead of a crack dealer, maybe a he or she is a purveyor of fine and potent schedule three drugs. Instead of murdered how about assisted in the untimely death or helped to not live. We all have our opinion on gay marriage and civil unions, if those things should be and what they should be called, but the ridiculousness seems to be accelerating at an AlGore hockey stick sort of pace. Change is ok and even sometimes good, changing the meanings of words or how we can or can not describe something, especially to fit an agenda, not as good. This whole trend, Double-Plus Ungood.

P.S. Look for Winston Smith to take over for Jay Carney. You heard it here first.