Saturday, February 23, 2013

Unrestrained by Law or Constitution: Geek Edition

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This post came out of nowhere. I have been watching G. I. Joe Renegades with the daughter and we did watch an episode with the Crimson Twins. Maybe that has something to do with it? I don’t know, it’s all so confusing. I think I might have skipped too many doses of Prozium.

Here goes.

Tyrant: A ruler unrestrained by law or constitution.

President (United States of America): An elected official who leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces.

(Disclaimer: I am not a mathematician nor have I ever played one on TV)


(Disclaimer: I am not a constitutional lawyer nor have I ever played one on TV)

We are a nation of laws governed by a constitution, and our current President studied and taught constitutional law, so I think we have nothing to worry about. I am sure he has great depths of understanding on these things. And as he reminds us often, this is the most transparent administration ever. Plus, don’t we have protections built in to our constitution protecting us against this sort of thing? Maybe I would understand it better if I had studied constitutional law. Or maybe I understand it better because I have not studied constitutional law. Red pill. Blue pill. Ahhh, I just don’t know.

Hey! Are you going to watch the Oscars?

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with Obama's assessment that his administration is the most transparent ever; their scruples and morality are thin enough to read a newspaper through. I particularly enjoyed the fact that he felt the need to clarify that we're not using drones against our own people. With this administration, outright denial usually means that we can expect to see some form of the denied action in the future ("I won't take away your guns," "I won't raise taxes on the middle class," "people should still have choices in health care," "there are no death panels," etc).
