Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What’s On The Menu?

Similar to food, the media we consume has a big effect on us. As in life, I try to have a varied media diet. I occasionally watch MSNBC or try to read some articles on Huff Post. Most of the time, after a few minutes, no more than 30 at any one time for health and safety reasons, I chuckle and change the channel or close my viewing window. That being said. I am not a big consumer of FOXNEWS. I occasionally put it on in my office, but I don’t get much from it. If anything I just want to help keep their ratings high and keeping MSNBC and CNN looking like the boutique channels they are. It (FoxNews), as most TV, is not on in my house.
I get most of my information from the web, either actual news sites or news aggregates and blogs and now and then C-SPAN. Most of these blogs give the two cents of the blogger and then a link to an article. These articles are posted from all sorts of sites, from far right to far left to moderate sites, whatever that means. I am going to try to post links to some of the articles I consume each day. You will come to notice the subjects are all over the place. Some are hot topics of the day. Some are interesting long views on obscure things. One might be on unions, the next on executive orders the next on high fructose corn syrup. I am also going to try to list on this blog the sites that I frequent.
Today's menu consisted of…
On my way into work I listened to my daily economic podcast Marketplace for Jan 22. I am normally a day behind, but sometimes listen to a just published show on my way home as I did today for Jan 23. It's a great snapshot and both entertaining and informative, and only 25 minutes.
Nothing on the Secretary Clinton testimony. Drudge posted some nice photos and quotes that let me know what I needed to know, in the short term. I might read some later, but did not want to tie up my morning with this.
This article on unions from the Washington Examiner.
This one made me smile. From Politico, which seems to lean left and be neutral and or critical of Democrats only in spurts, but not as a rule. Knowing that Hillary thinks 2016 is hers for the taking, at least the Democratic nomination, hearing and seeing the VP acting like this, four years out. I guess he thinks that possession is 9/10s of the law. And hey, he’s closer to the seat then she is.
This blog post from a friend of mine from The Conservative Wahoo. I try to visit it daily or whenever I see he has a new post. Normally brought to my attention on Facebook. As I hope to do as well. This post was one of a few that led me to start this blog and change how I interact on Facebook.
Nothing on guns or the second amendment today. That dark cloud is, until passed or shot down, will always be looming.

Last but not least, women in combat. Two things. Selective service update? Also, I am so excited that Geneva can now join the Marine Infantry and hate her life just as so many young men have done over the years. No offence if you are or were ever a young man and loved being Infantry.


  1. The fact that you view Drudge as a place to "get nice photos and quotes that let me know what I needed to know', tell me all I kneed to know.

    You are judged by the company you keep, Chris, and Drudge is not good company. If you want to be a partisan hack, that is your choice, but you certainly will have no credibility.

    1. I will give you this. Right now on Drudge, their are four photos of President Obama with flies on his face and a story, as the top story. That is dumb. There should be overwhelming coverage of the gun grab and the SECDEF hearing.

  2. Among the most bastardized twists to what is normally sound advice. Is Drudge company that you keep, or a website, among the several you mentioned, that you use to get your information? I can only assume that "anonymous" did not actually read the post, but did a quick search for what he believes to be partisan keywords and made a ridiculous statement based on his finding. Had "anonymous" actually read the whole 589 words, he may have chosen to be critical on something a bit more substantive.

    I look forward to your musings but am looking more forward to the many "anonymous" commenters and their hysterics.

    1. I am going to, as much as I can in this blog, to always give the benefit of the doubt to anyone who bothers to read this blog and then takes the extra step to comment on this blog. I am going to assume that this reader and commenter read the whole blog. I am going to go so far as to assume they read it twice since he or she went back and cut and pasted a portion of the post. I think there are two main forces at work that lead the commenter to not like Drudge or see it as a credible news or information source.

      One, when he or she looks at Drudge, and the stories Drudge links to, it does not jive with his or her idea of the Obama administration, Democrats, Liberals or Progressives in general. He or she does not think the above list is doing or not doing X, Y or Z, and Drudge is linking to stories that say they are doing X, Y and Z, there for Drudge is not a credible source of information or news. The information Drudge links to does not jive with the information presented to him or her on web sites reinforce the ideas that someone who supports the Obama administration, Democrats, Liberals or Progressives in general, there for Drudge has no credibility.

      Two, the reader has read from sources that reinforce the positive view of Obama administration, Democrats, Liberals or Progressives in general, time and time again that Drudge should be lumped in with all things to the Right,. Drudge is no better than or just as bad as Fox News, or Breitbart. This constant drum beat from the left on what news services are good or bad will eventually become the truth for that person, regardless of the actual truth.

      Those are my assessments. I have no idea if that is what he or she thinks. I would love this person to, as I asked in my next post, to tell us where to get credible news and information, and I would also like to know what it is about Drudge that puts it in the bad company group.
