I have not been talking about this publicly, but I have
been doing a lot of reading lately. This is part of the reason why my posts
here have been so infrequent. Besides spending more of my time at dailykos.com and moveon.org, I
have been drawn in by these four books: Dreams from My Father, The Audacity of
Hope, It Takes a Village and Living History, which I just finished and it only
took me two boxes of tissues. Wow, what a story (of an amazing, accomplished, smart woman)! Anyway.
When I woke up this morning something was different. I didn’t just see things
in a new light, I felt things in a new light. Things are good. They really are. I mean, Obama is in his second term. Democrats control the Senate. You're in your Prius, driving to your job at a non-profit, drinking your fair trade latte from Starbucks, listening to NPR talk about last nights Daily Show. And how John Stewart totally OWNED FAUX NEWS!!! Awesome. The new iPhone will be coming out soon. Fingers crossed. Things are freaking awesome. But even though most things are awesome, we can find things that need some work. Things were pretty messed up when President Obama took His oath of office on that historic day in January of 2009. And we all know why. If and when, you, we, step
back and take it all in, it really becomes clear that the things in our country
that need work and attention (and there are only a few because things are pretty awesome) do so because of the actions or in-actions of a
small group of selfish and ignorant and mean people who happen to have a majority in the
House of Representatives at this time and quite a few of the Governorships. Well let me tell you something. That can change. That needs to change. Whatever
may come in the elections of 2014 does not matter. What matters is the sweeping and historic
change I will be a part of in 2016. It's Her turn. Today, I am putting all of
my human efforts behind making Hillary Rodham Clinton the next President of the
United States, but more importantly the first woman President of the United
If there is anyone alive, today, on earth, that can follow Hope and Change and
take it to the next level, it is Her. It's Her turn. Now I know what some of you are saying, “she’s
not black.” Yeah, but Obama was not a woman, and we didn’t hold that against him!
Come on now, you, we, need to open our eyes, and change the filter through
which we see the world. Don’t just look at people as Kenyan or American or see
them as having a penis or a vagina or both, or neither, or even classifying
them as any sex. That’s not only wrong, but it’s mean. I mean do scientists put
themselves in that kind of box when they're researching? No. No they don’t. So, let’s
look at people as what they really are, humans. He is human and She is human. We
need a female human in the Whitehouse. That’s all you need to know.
Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Party types and most Christians, NOT HUMAN. Hello?
Wake up.
So, yeah, I’m on board, I’m in Her camp, and I’m not afraid to say it
out loud, and I expect if you’re not now, you will be soon. Because if it didn’t
hurt enough to be called a racist when you were wrongly against Obama, it will
sure as hell sting real real bad when you’re called a sexist if you dare be against
Hillary. I mean do you remember when you were a kid and how bad it hurt to be called smart when you answered the teachers question correctly in front of the class. Remember that pain. All your classmates looking at you, in disgust. Just because when you were asked, you answered correctly. Don’t make that mistake, again. Breath, breath. Keep it positive, keep it positive,
keep it pos-o-tive. Ok. Back to positive.
I feel like such a weight of
pessimism has been lifted off of my soul and a new lightness of optimism now runs
through my veins. I look forward to all of you joining me, side by side, hand
in hand, at the rally and at the phone bank, making sure this country remains
headed in the Right, I mean correct direction. For Americas sake, it’s Her
turn. Thanks for listening. And may your creator, if you have one, bless you
and these United States.
P.S. Oh, and I just read some stuff from this guy named Neil
deGrasse Tyson, any of you heard of him? I had not, but WOW. Wow, wow, wow, wow
and wow! I mean, I have not paid too much attention to what former Vice
President Al Gore has had to say since he has been out of office, but this
Global Warming Climate Change IS A BIG FREAKING DEAL! Hello! WTF is up with all
“these people” all of a sudden having such a problem with settled science? Didn’t
any of them watch Bill Nye the Science Guy when they were kids? If a Bill Nye
says it, it’s truth. It’s science. If another scientist says something
different, it’s not science or “skepticism,” its denial. They’re not Bill Nye. They’re not
“The Science Guy.” Where would we be today if Copernicus would have been a
skeptic? We’d be screwed, that’s where we’d be. Ahhhh, it just gets me so mad, I just
want to teabag some of these people. Sorry, that was out of line. What’s next
with these people, they’re going to be all running around saying that our whole
monetary system is a fraud based on perpetual debt and is ultimately unsustainable?
Please people, grow up!
Hillary Clinton 2016-2020-2024